Monday 14 December 2015

Wait, what - I last posted in August?!

Yeah, yeah, I know.

This is clearly, ridiculously, overdue. And for that I humbly beg forgiveness and bow before you in the hope that you'll see fit to pat me on the shoulder and tell me it's fine.

It's just that summer turned out to be a crazy old time. After writing the last post, my freelancing work stumbled and lay motionless on the pavement of life for a few weeks. I went to London to meet with a TV producer to become 'the new face of archaeology'.... yeah, seriously... and no I'm not going to be... and then I was offered another job out of the blue.

In fact, I was offered several jobs out of the blue. All in the same week. And it was a hard choice to make, but I went with the biggest and best option for me and I'VE BEEN BUSY EVER SINCE OH SO BUSY YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE THE BUSY BUSYNESS.

Anyway. That's my life over the last 4 months. For those keeping score, I did not get picked in Pitch Wars, although I believe I was close to getting a mentor, but my dastardly word count got in the way. Which is fair enough, because those guys were doing all that out of the kindness of their hearts and who'd want to volunteer their time to critique the biggest manuscript ever(TM)?

Still, Pitch Wars was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it!

Now I must return to the real world and sleep. There WILL be more regular posts to come from me soon and then in 2016 I'm hoping to up the ante with an interview about trolling with a wonderful author and TV commentator, a trip down memory lane with a gorgeous actress, and possibly a film producer or two.

In the meantime, Thursday looms large, when I get to pick up a story I last put down 32 years ago, as an excited 7-year old watching Return of the Jedi with his friends for his birthday.

As cynical as I normally am about sequels and prequels and reboots and whatnot... what an amazing thing this is turning out to be. That final trailer especially, which, for a moment, transported me through 32 years of time and space - thanks to the magic of a worn out spaceship and John Williams' finest score.

The force hasn't always felt that strong with me recently, and I may yet need to find my way back to the right path, but by goodness this beautiful thing is keeping me sane. Bring on the film!